SnapPlus Help Version 20

Winter Spreading Plan Report

Winter Spreading Plan Report

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Winter Spreading Plan Report

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This report will show total manure production, manure storage and manure spreading during the winter.

Meeting the 590 Requirements for a Winter Spreading Plan

The NRCS FOTG Standard 590, Section VI B delineates the necessity for a Winter Spreading Plan as follows:

The Winter Spreading Plan shall be developed according to the criteria defined in the NRCS FOTG Standard 590, Nutrient Management and be consistent with Part II of Technical Note WI-1.

The plan shall:

1.Reflect a minimum of 14 days of manure and/or organic by-products generated by the farm or all manure and/or organic by-products anticipated to be spread during frozen or snow-covered soil, whichever is greater;

2.Document the storage capacity for each manure type generated;

3.Document the capacity for stacking manure that is = 16% dry matter without permanent storage. Refer to NRCS 313 Standard, Waste Storage Facility, to locate potential stacking sites;

4.Provide Winter Manure Spreading Plan Implementation Maps (as per Part II of Technical Note WI-1) that identify areas of fields that meet the restrictions for applications on frozen or snow-covered soil;

5.Document that fields with slopes less than 6% are not accessible for winter spreading, if winter spreading on fields with slopes greater than 6%.

6.Identify necessary runoff mitigation practices in IV.A.2.d.(3) and (4);


The Winter Spreading Plan report meets all of these needs with the exception of number four, which can be met through SnapMaps. See Create PDF Winter Spreading Map for more information on how to provide winter manure spreading implementation maps.

Reflect a minimum of 14 days of manure and/or organic by-products generated by the farm or all manure and/or organic by-products anticipated to be spread during frozen or snow-covered soil, whichever is greater

The first table listed on the Winter Spreading Plan, Manure Production for X, lists the estimated manure production for both 14 days and 120 days. The 120 day figure is an approximate length of the frozen soil period in southern Wisconsin, and is therefore the minimum amount of days that should be planned for winter application or storage. You can enter your animals on the Manure Production Estimator tab of the Nutrients Screen (see here for more information on using that tab). Note that only animals that are listed as present in winter will appear on this report.



Document the storage capacity for each manure type generated

The second table on the Winter Spreading Plan report, Manure Storage for X, satisfies this requirement. Enter your manure storages on the Manure Production Estimator tab of the Nutrients Screen (see here for more information on using that tab).



Document the capacity for stacking manure that is = 16% dry matter without permanent storage. Refer to NRCS 313 Standard, Waste Storage Facility, to locate potential stacking sites

The second table on the Winter Spreading Plan report, Manure Storage for X, satisfies this requirement. You can enter your stacking sites on the Manure Production Estimator tab of the Nutrients Screen (see here for more information on using that tab).


Document that fields with slopes less than 6% are not accessible for winter spreading, if winter spreading on fields with slopes greater than 6%.

All fields with no winter applications and no winter spreading restrictions will be listed at the very bottom of the report.



Identify necessary runoff mitigation practices in IV.A.2.d.(3) and (4);

Chosen runoff mitigation practices for each field are listed in the Winter Application Strategies column of the final table in the report, as are any winter compliance issues and explanations for the applications on that field. This allows it to be easily documented if the chosen strategies are being followed. You can choose your winter spreading strategies for each field from the Nutrient Application Planner (see here for more information on using the winter strategy selection box).
