SnapPlus Help Version 20

Understanding the Data Dump

Understanding the Data Dump

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Understanding the Data Dump

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The Data Dump is the last section in the reports.Using the Data Dump will allow you to dump all of the data of a certain type into an excel document. Here you can save the document to your computer and use it as needed.


hmtoggle_plus1Annual Cropping Data: Clicking on this report will automatically create an excel spreadsheet that contains all the cropping data for a specific year. This is not a report, rather the raw data for creating your own report.The below table lists the fields and a brief description of the columns that show in the Annual Cropping Data Dump Report.
hmtoggle_plus1Applications Data: Clicking on this report will automatically create an excel spreadsheet that contains all the manure, fertilizer and lime applications data for multiple years as selected in the input form. This is not a report, rather the raw data for creating your own report.The below table lists the fields and a brief description of the columns that show up in the Applications Data dump report.

Precision Recommendations: The Precision Recommendations data dump generates an Excel spreadsheet with P2O5, K2O and lime recommendations for each individual sample.