The Import/Export menu allows you to either bring data into a farm file (importing) or send data out of a farm file (exporting). Below, you'll find information about all of the things you can import and export via this menu.
This will allow you to import Daily Log files from an Excel spreadsheet. Please see Importing Data from a File and our Create and Import an MS Excel Daily Log tutorial for more information. |
This will allow you to import soil tests from either an Excel or a .CSV file. Please see Importing from Soil Lab files for more information. You can also refer to Importing from an Excel File or Importing from a Text File, if you know which you'll be using. |
The purpose is to allow users to import some or all of the fields from another farm. It will facilitate the Import/Export process if you put the fields to be imported in one or more subfarms. The field, soil test, and cropping data will be imported for the fields selected. There are options to import the application data as well. Select Farm To Import – First select a farm file to import. This will populate the dual list box with all of the fields in the farm. If subfarms exist in the selected farm the Subfarms radio button will be enabled. You may select all or a subset of the fields for import. Field selection method •All lists all of the fields in the selected list. •Fields lists all of the fields in the unselected list. •Subfarms lists all of the subfarm names in the unselected list. •Groups lists all of the group names in the unselected list. Application selection defaults to importing all applications. You may uncheck any of the applications you do not wish to import. Farm Prefix will be added to field or source names for the imported fields if these names are duplicates of those in the existing database. The prefix is used to make these names unique. Field Prefix defines the prefix to be used for all imported fields (not just duplicates). Crop Years refer to soil test, cropping and application data that will be imported. Accept uses the selected setup to import the data.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Exporting and Importing Field Info/Farms/Subfarms tutorial. |
You can import an entire Farm from another SnapPlus farm file if you so choose. This is useful if you want to practice and don't want to mess up anything with your current file and maps. This is the only way to copy a farm file but have it upload and download from a new SnapMaps site. You may either choose to import the Fields and Applications, or Fields only. Fields and applications will import everything from your original farm file, while fields only will import everything from the original farm file but applications. After choosing either option you will be prompted to choose a SnapPlus farm file to import from. Then, fill out the window that appears. You must choose a Farm Prefix, and whether or not you want that prefix to automatically append all fields, even those that aren't named the same as fields that already exist in the new farm. Click OK, and the farm will be imported! |
This allows you to import previously exported shared rotations or nutrient systems from other farms (please note that you can both export and share a rotation, but a nutrient system can only be shared). You select the rotation or system you want to import, chose the name you want to call it in this farm, and then reconcile any nutrient sources that the rotation or system uses with ones that exist in this farm. This needs to happen since the only thing that is getting imported is the rotation or system, not the sources that those things use. Once that is complete, you can click Import to finish the process. |
All applications have a column for marking an application as an actual application and should be checked after you confirm/update the application details. Importing your applications from the daily log will also mark those applications as actual's. If you’re not maintaining a daily log, you can mark groups of applications as actual's using this window. You may want to go to the Fields/Groups tab before using this window. |
Export data | Daily Log will allow users to export current values to an up-to-date importable xls file. This file could be used as a template for future logs. The daily log may only be exported for one source class at a time. Select the file for export data – First select a spreadsheet file to export the data to. Note: This will replace the spreadsheet file, destroying any data in it, if it already exists. Select which application to export defaults to exporting all applications. You may uncheck any of the applications you do not wish to export. Select crop years to export refer to soil test, cropping and application data that will be exported.
Select fields to export •All Fields lists all fields in the unselected list. •Subfarms lists the subfarms in the unselected list. •Groups lists the groups in the unselected list.
These default values are used for applications that are not in your current daily log. Set the default values and Export. A dialog box will appear confirming the export. |
Export the current soil sample data to an up-to-date importable soil test excel (.xlsx) file. This may be particularly useful when you merge or split fields. Select the input parameters 1.Click on the save file Icon 2.Use the Select Folder button to browse to the destination folder for the exported data. 3.Enter the file name for the exported data and click on Accept. 4.Select which soil tests to export (Calendar years, Crop years or Rotation Tests – soil tests selected on the cropping screen) 5.Select the range of years to export 6. Select fields to export allows you to select from a list of fields or select entire subfarms or groups to export. •All Fields will list all fields •Subfarm will list all subfarms •Group will list all groups After your selections are made click on the export button and the save will be confirmed. |
Export Field Data
Export data | Fields will export the selected fields and data to a new empty farm database file. It will facilitate the Import/Export process if you put the fields to be exported in one or more subfarms. The Import/Export process is: •Export your fields •Set the exported fields to InActive on the Fields Screen •Send the export farm to the new user •The new user imports the export farm.
The field, soil test, and cropping data will be exported for the fields selected. There are options to export the application data as well. Select the file for export data: First enter a farm file name and location to export the data. (Note: This will destroy all data if the farm already exists.) Select which application to export defaults to exporting all applications. You may uncheck any of the applications you do not wish to export. Select crop years to export refer to soil test, cropping and application data that will be exported.
Select fields to export •All Fields lists all fields in the unselected list. •Subfarms lists the subfarms in the unselected list. •Groups lists the groups in the unselected list. Note: You may not export ALL of the fields. Use Archive with the .snapDb extension for that operation. For more information on this topic please refer to the Exporting and Importing Field Info/Farms/Subfarms tutorial. |
You can export Rotations to be used by other farms. Once in a farm that contains the rotation you want to export, you can choose to export rotations from the Import/Export menu. Then, select the rotation you want to export and the name you want to save it as so you recognize it when importing into other farms. Then, click Export to Shared to finish the process. |
Allows you to export all of your planned applications – excluding the actuals already imported - to either a daily log import file or directly to the Daily Log screen. The procedure is similar to that described in the Export Daily Log section. |