Additional Restriction Flagging for WPDES Permitted Farms |
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Additional Restriction Flagging for WPDES Permitted Farms |
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CAFOs have additional restrictions on manure applications from NR 243 Animal Feeding Operation rules. Applications that do not meet these restrictions will cause the cells showing that application’s nutrients on the Cropping screen to turn orange and will generate a restriction message in the Nutrient Application Planner. CAFO manure application restriction problem messages explained: •CAFO manure application on a field which may have groundwater within 2 feet of the surface. A planner still needs to acknowledge applications will be verified in the Field Restriction for this field. NR243: Manure cannot be applied when groundwater is within 24 inches of the soil surface. How SnapPlus identifies this problem: This message is generated whenever there is a manure application on a field with the CAFO “W” designation, meaning there is less than 24 inches to the apparent water table, and the planner has not yet checked Acknowledge use of proper techniques for W soil manure applications in the Spreading Restrictions Features box for this field. •CAFOs are prohibited from applying manure when bedrock is within 24 inches of the surface. NR243: Manure cannot be applied to fields with bedrock within 24 inches of the surface. How SnapPlus identifies this problem: This message is generated whenever there is a manure application on a field with a CAFO “R” designation, meaning there is less than 20 inches depth to bedrock. •Manure or process wastewater cannot be applied to fields with soil test P greater than 200 ppm without DNR approval on CAFOs. NR243: For fields with soil test phosphorus levels of 200 ppm and greater, applications of phosphorus from manure and process wastewater are prohibited unless the permittee receives department approval. The department may only approve the application if it meets all of the requirements outlined in NR 243.14 (5) (b) 2.
How SnapPlus identifies this problem: This message is generated whenever a manure application is made on a field with soil test P greater than 200 ppm. A number of messages that may appear in the Nutrient Application Planner in relation to the SWQMA Manure Application Strategies chosen on the Farm Screen.
•A 100ft SWQMA buffer is required for unincorporated manure applications on this field and the 100 ft strategy is not selected on the Farms tab. or The selected strategy does not allow manure applications within 100 ft of a SWQMA. Please select additional strategies or change the method of manure application. •A 100ft SWQMA buffer is required for incorporated manure applications when SWQMA strategy 2 is selected (long-term no-till with 25 ft buffer). The 100 ft strategy is not selected on the Farms tab. •One or more applications are not compatible with 'none' or 'no till' selected on the cropping screen. •The strategy selected for the farm does not allow anything but immediate incorporation so the buffer width has been adjusted to 100 ft. Please select additional strategies or change the method of manure application. •The selected strategies do not allow anything but injection or immediate incorporation of manure within the SWQMA. Please select additional strategies or change the method of manure application. •There is not enough residue (30%) at the time of application to use SWQMA strategy 2, so the buffer width has been adjusted to 100 ft. •The liquid application rate exceeds the rate allowed for a single application in the SWQMA. •Planned rate may be too high for single, unincorporated liquid manure application in SWQMA. •The Spreadable area for an unincorporated manure application on this fields assumes a 100 ft SWQMA buffer because it did not meet the requirements for SWQMA strategy 2. •The Spreadable area for an unincorporated manure application on this field assumes a 100 ft SWQMA buffer because it did not meet the requirements for SWQMA strategy 1. •The Area for the unincorporated application on this field assumes a 100 ft SWQMA buffer because the application does not meet any of the requirements for a 25ft buffer. •This field has a planned unincorporated manure application in the SWQMA when there is likely to be less than 30% crop residue present. •Planned rate is too high for a single application in the SWQMA on this field using CAFO SWQMA manure application strategy 2 (long-term no-till with 25 ft buffer). The highest rate allowed for this soil texture is XXXX gal/acre and the planned rate is YYYY gal/acre. •This field is using CAFO SWQMA manure application strategy 2 (long-term no-till with 25 ft. buffer) and in this crop year may have an unincorporated manure application in the SWQMA when there is likely to be less than 30% crop residue. Include it in the rotation and calculate soil loss to find out. NR243: Section NR243.14 (4) outlines a series of strategies for buffering surface water and concentrated flow channels in the SWQMA. How SnapPlus identifies this problem: Planners should make sure all of the buffer strategies used on a farm selected on the Farm screen in the CAFO SWQMA Manure Spreading Strategy box because SnapPlus uses the selected strategies in combination with manure application method to determine the Spreadable Area for fields with SWQMAs. If the method of manure application or other conditions do not meet the requirements for the selected strategy, the program will generate one of the above messages. There are a series of messages that may appear in the Nutrient Application Planner if manure is applied to a field with soil test P between 100 and 200 ppm: •Soil test P is between 100 to 200 ppm and if manure is applied to this CAFO field, it must meet the P Index standard and a P2O5 Balance target that demonstrates soil test P drawdown over a rotation of 4 years or less. Reset CAFO P Rotation Settings to include the year of this manure application so that the P Index and P2O5 Balance can be checked for a correct time period. •Soil test P is between 100 ppm and 200 ppm and manure is applied, so this CAFO field must have a P Index value of 6 or less and a P2O5 balance of xxx lb/acre or less. Calculate all years to see if this field meets the P Index standard. •Soil test P is between 100 ppm and 200 ppm and manure cannot be applied to this CAFO field because it does not have a P2O5 balance of xxx lb/acre or less and/or it has a P Index value greater than 6. NR243: For fields with soil test phosphorus levels between 100 ppm and 200 ppm, the permittee shall calculate the planned average phosphorus index value for the crop rotation or for the next 4-year period, whichever is less. If the calculated average phosphorus index value is greater than 6, manure and process wastewater applications to that field are prohibited. If the calculated phosphorus index value is 6 or less, applications are allowed provided that the cumulative application of phosphorus from manure and process wastewater does not exceed 50% of the cumulative annual crop phosphorus removal over the rotation or the next 4-year period, whichever is less. How SnapPlus identifies this problem: If manure is applied on a CAFO field with soil test P from 101 ppm up to 200 ppm, the program will use the designated CAFO P Rotation of no more than 4 years for determining the Avg P Index and the P2O5 balance. The P2O5 balance message displayed under the CAFO P Rotation Settings will represent applications at 50% of crop removal, rather than the 75% of crop removal level used for meeting 590 guidelines for fields with soil test P greater than 100 ppm. A message will be generated if the CAFO P Rotation Avg P Index is greater than 6 or if the P2O5 balance is greater than the displayed target level. •NR 243 prohibits surface applying liquid or solid manure on a CAFO between Feb 1 to Mar 31 when there is more than 1 in. of snow or if the ground is frozen. NR243: February 1 through March 31 is designated as a high runoff risk period in NR243., when solid manure cannot be applied if the ground is frozen or if there is more than one inch of snow present. Liquid manure cannot be applied during this time without a DNR approved emergency plan. How SnapPlus identifies this problem: This message is generated whenever any manure application is planned for the winter as a reminder that winter applications should be made when there is not a high risk of runoff. •Liquid manure (less than 12% solids) cannot be applied in the winter on a CAFO. NR243: Surface application of liquid manure on frozen ground is prohibited, except for an emergency situation. Conditions under which liquid manure can be applied to frozen or snow covered ground are described in NR243.14 (7). A number of messages may be generated if a solid manure application is planned in the winter: •Manure cannot be applied at rates greater than 60 lb P2O5/acre in the winter on a CAFO. •Solid manure cannot be applied in the winter on slopes greater than 9% on a CAFO. •Solid Manure cannot be applied in the winter on a CAFO unless the field has been tilled in the fall or is in long-term no-till. •Solid Manure cannot be applied in the winter on slopes greater than 2% on a CAFO unless the field has been tilled in the fall on the general contour or is in long-term no-till. •Solid Manure cannot be applied in the winter on slopes greater than 6% on a CAFO unless the field has been tilled in the fall on the contour or is in long-term no-till. •Solid manure cannot be applied to slopes greater than 2% in the winter on a CAFO unless the field is worked on the general contour. •Solid manure cannot be applied to slopes greater than 6% in the winter on a CAFO unless the field is worked on the contour. •Manure with a solids content less than 20% cannot be applied in the winter on slopes greater than 6% on a CAFO.
NR243: Solid manure may be surface applied on frozen or ground covered with more than an inch of snow if the provisions of Table 4 (shown below) are followed. How SnapPlus identifies problems: For the required fall tillage practices, SnapPlus is checking whether or not the tillage is Fall Chisel, disk; Fall Chisel, no disk; Fall MB Plow; or No-till. For slopes greater than 2%, it is also checking whether or not the On contour button is checked. SnapPlus uses the Dry matter % in the manure displayed on the Nutrient Sources screen to determine the solids content of the manures. Applications will be flagged if the P2O5 applied in the winter exceeds 60 lb per acre or the requirement of the following crop, whichever is lower. SnapPlus will give a message if manure is applied in the SWQMA, but the software cannot identify fields that are within 2.0 times the SWQMA or the required setbacks from channelized flow, vegetated buffers, wetlands and conduits to groundwater.
This guidance messages pertains only to WPDES permitted farms. For general guidance messages, see Guidance Messages. •CAFO Wetlands within 200 ft - No winter manure (except grazing). NR243: The setback for winter manure application from wetlands is a minimum of 200 ft as shown in NR 243 Table 4 Above. SnapPlus guidance conditions: A 200 ft buffer is removed from the Spreadable Area for winter applications. This guidance message is to remind applicators to avoid the wetlands buffer when making winter applications. |