•Narrative and Crops: Gives an overview of the farm operation by including the Farm Narrative, Concentrated Flow Channel Protection Notes, and a table showing the crops, tillage, and yields for every field in the selected year range. This report can be used to show yields over time and that planned yields are consistent with documented yields. This report also includes a table of annual acreage and production for each crop grown on the farm in the selected year range. •Compliance Check: Lists all the fields in the designated year range that have rotational soil loss or phosphorus planning problems and all that have problem manure or fertilizer applications. It identifies each problem and displays any explanations that have been entered in the Nutrient Application Planner dialog box. Soil test problems section of the report also identifies fields with soil sampling that is inadequate or out-of-date. This report set up allows the planner to identify whether the P Index or Soil Test P methods (or both) are being used for phosphorus planning, and the check will only report problems for the planning method chosen. This report also lists fields with excess N applications. For CAFOs, SWQMA spreading strategy selected in the program is listed along with a matrix that identifies whether manure is applied to a SWQMA field in a year. •Field Data and 590 Assessment Plan: Shows soil type and other field information, crops and tillage for the rotation, and rotational soil loss, P2O5 Balance and P Index values. This report can be compared to field and soil maps to determine whether soil types and field characteristics have been identified correctly. •Manure Tracking: Identifies how much manure was produced on the farm and applied or planned for application in each year of the selected year range. Also reports manure storage information and spreader calibration. This report also includes a matrix that lists acres in plan and acres receiving manure in each year of the selected year range. •Spreading and NM Sorted by Crop: Shows manure and fertilizer nutrient application rates for all fields in the selected year sorted by crop category. Identifies consistency of planned applications with UW-Extension recommendations. •Winter Spreading Plan: Shows the plan of the farm for Winter Spreading. For more information on this report, please refer to Winter Spreading Plan Report. •Implementation Guidance: This section will show all the guidance messages that were produced for each field of the currently selected year. This report can be used to see what decisions need to be made at the time of application to keep the farm in compliance. For more information on Guidance Messages, see Guidance Messages. •CAFO: The following four reports are required by DNR for operations under WPDES permits. You do not need do run these for non-permitted operations but can if you would find the information helpful to your operation. •DNR CAFO Annual Spreading: Shows spreading information for every field. •Animal Units: Animal Units report shows animal type by size class, number of animals in each class, and animal units calculations according to NR 243, Wis. Admin. Code. Animal unit calculations are needed for determining if permits are required for Wis. Pollution Discharge Elimination System from WI DNR or through local livestock siting ordinance requirements. •DNR Daily Log: Daily log information for the selected year. •DNR Nutrient Mass Balance: Combines manure tracking and application summary reports. •CAFO Emergency Spreading: This report shows what fields on a CAFO are suitable for emergency spreading in winter.
ARM-LWR-480.docx (REV, 06/22/17)

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Division of Agricultural Resource Management
Bureau of Land and Water Resources
PO Box 8911, Madison WI 53708-8911, Phone: 608-224-4605
Nutrient Management Checklist
Wis. Stat. §92.05(3) (k), Wis. Admin. Code §ATCP50.04(3) and Ch. 51
RANGE: (R. E., W).
CHECK ONE: Initial Plan or Updated Plan
First Name LastName
( ) -
(Ordinance, NR 243 WPDES or NOD, DATCP-FP or cost share (cs), DNR-cs, USDA-cs, Other)
If yes, which software version, if known?
(1. NAICC-CPCC, 2. ASA-CCA, 3. SSSA-Soil Scientist, 4. DATCP approved training course, 5. Other approved by DATCP)
First Name Last Name
( ) -
Use header sections to add comments. Mark NA in the shaded sections if no manure is applied.
1. Does the plan include the following nutrient application requirements to protect surface and groundwater?
This section applies to fields and pastures. If no manure is applied, check NA for 1.c., 1.h., 1.i., 1.n., 1.o., 1.q., 1.s.
a. Determine field nutrient levels from soil samples analyzed by a DATCP certified laboratory.
b. For fields or pastures with mechanical nutrient applications, determine field nutrient levels from soil samples collected within the last 4 years according to 590 Standard (590) and UWEX Pub. A2809, Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin (A2809) typically collecting 1 sample per 5 acres of 10 cores. Soil tests are not required on pastures that do not receive mechanical applications of nutrients if either of the following applies:
1. The pasture average stocking rate is one animal unit per acre or less at all times during the grazing season.
2. The pasture is winter grazed or stocked at an average stocking rate of more than one animal unit per acre during the grazing season, and a nutrient management plan for the pasture complies with 590 using an assumed soil test phosphorus level of 150 PPM and organic matter content of 6%.
c. For livestock siting permit approval, collect and analyze soil samples meeting the requirements above in 1. b., excluding pastures, within 12 months of approval and revise the nutrient management plan accordingly. Until then, either option below maybe used:
1. Assume soil test phosphorus levels are greater than 100 ppm soil test P, OR
2. Use preliminary estimates analyzed by a certified DATCP laboratory with soil samples representing > 5 ac/sample.
d. Identify all fields’ name, boundary, acres, and location.
e. Use the field’s previous year’s legume credit and/or applications, predominant soil series, and realistic yield goals to determine the crop’s nutrient application rates consistent with A2809 for ALL forms of N, P, and K.
f. Make no winter applications of N and P fertilizer, except on grass pastures and winter grains.
g. Document method used to determine application rates. Nutrients shall not runoff during or immediately after application.
h. Identify in the plan that adequate acreage is available for manure produced and/or applied.
i. Apply a single phosphorus (P) assessment using either the P Index or soil test P management strategy to all fields within a tract when fields receive manure or organic by-products during the crop rotation.
j. Use complete crop rotations and the field’s critical soil series to determine that sheet and rill erosion estimates will not exceed tolerable soil loss (T) rates on fields that receive nutrients.
k. Use contours; reduce tillage; adjust the crop rotation; or implement other practices to prevent ephemeral erosion; and maintain perennial vegetative cover to prevent reoccurring gullies in areas of concentrated flow.
l. Make no nutrient applications within 8’ of irrigation wells or where vegetation is not removed.
m. Make no nutrient applications within 50’ of all direct conduits to groundwater, unless directly deposited by gleaning/pasturing animals or applied as starter fertilizer to corn.
n. Make no untreated manure applications to areas within 1000’ of a community potable water well or within 100’ of a non-community potable water well (ex. church, school, restaurant) unless manure is treated to substantially eliminate pathogens.
o. Make no manure applications to areas locally delineated by the Land Conservation Committee or in a conservation plan as areas contributing runoff to direct conduits to groundwater unless manure is substantially buried within 24 hours of application.
p. Make no applications of late summer or fall commercial N fertilizer to the following areas UNLESS needed for establishment of fall seeded crops OR to meet A2809 with a blended commercial fertilizer. Commercial fertilizer N applications shall not exceed 36 lbs. N/acre on:
•Sites vulnerable to N leaching PRW Soils (P=high permeability, R= bedrock < 20 inches, or W= wet < 12 inches to apparent water table); •Soils with depths of 5 feet or less to bedrock; •Area within 1,000 feet of a community potable water well. On P soils, when commercial N is applied for full season crops in spring and summer, follow A2809 and apply one of the following:
1.A split or delayed N application to apply a majority of crop N requirement after crop establishment. 2.Use a nitrification inhibitor with ammonium forms of N. 3.Use slow and controlled release fertilizers for a majority of the crop N requirement applied near the time of planting. |
q. Limit manure applications in late summer or fall using the lesser of A2809 or the following 590 rates on PRW Soils.
Use ≤ 120 lbs. available N/acre on:
P and R soils on all crops, except annual crops. Additionally, manure with ≤ 4% dry matter (DM) wait until after soil temp. < 50°F or Oct. 1, and use either a nitrification inhibitor OR surface apply and do not incorporate for at least 3 days.
W soils or combo. W soils on all crops. Additionally, manure with ≤ 4% DM on all crops use at least one of the following:
1. Use a nitrification inhibitor; 2. Apply on an established cover crop, an overwintering annual, or perennial crop; 3. Establish a cover crop within 14 days of application; 4. Surface apply & don’t incorporate for at least 3 days; 5. Wait until after soil temp. < 50°F or Oct. 1.
Use ≤ 90 lbs. available N/acre on:
P and R soils on annual crops wait until after soil temp. < 50°F or Oct. 1. Additionally, manure with ≤ 4% DM use either a nitrification inhibitor OR surface apply and do not incorporate for at least 3 days.
W soils or combination W soils receiving manure with ≤ 4% DM on all crops.
r. Use at least one of the following practices on non-frozen soils for all nutrient applications within Surface Water Quality Management Area (SWQMA) = 1000’ of lakes/ponds or 300’ of rivers: 1. Maintain > 30% cover after nutrient application; 2. Effective incorporation within 72 hours of application; 3. Establish crops prior to, at, or promptly following application; 4. Install/maintain vegetative buffers or filter strips; 5. Have at least 3 consecutive years no-till for applications to fields with < 30% residue (silage) and apply nutrients within 7 days of planting.
s. Limit mechanical applications to 12,000 gals/acre of unincorporated liquid manure or organic by-products with 11% or less dry matter where subsurface drainage is present OR within SWQMA. Wait a minimum of 7 days between sequential applications AND use one or more of the practice options on non-frozen soils listed in 1.r.1. through 1.r.5.
2. When frozen or snow-covered soils prevent effective incorporation, does the plan follow these requirements for winter applications of all mechanically applied manure or organic by-products? This section doesn’t apply to winter gleaning/pasturing meeting 590 N and P requirements.
If no manure is applied, check NA for 2.a. through 2.g..
a. Identify manure quantities planned to be spread during the winter, or the amount of manure generated in 14 days, whichever is greater. For daily haul systems, assume 1/3 of the manure produced annually will need to be winter applied.
b. Identify manure storage capacity for each type applied and stacking capacity for manure ≥ 16% DM if permanent storage does not exist.
c. Show on map and make no applications within the SWQMA.
d. Show on map and make no surface applications of liquid manure during February and March where Silurian dolomite is within 60 inches of the soils surface OR where DNR Well Compensation funds provided replacement water supplies for wells contaminated with livestock manure.
e. Show on map and make no applications of manure within 300 feet of direct conduits to groundwater.
f. Do not exceed the P removal of the following growing season’s crop when applying manure. Liquid manure applications are limited to 7,000 g/acre. All winter manure applications are not to exceed 60 lbs. of P2O5/acre.
g. Make no applications of manure to fields with concentrated flow channels unless using two of the following:
1. Contour buffer strips or contour strip cropping; 2. Leave all crop residue and no fall tillage; 3. Apply manure in intermittent strips on no more than 50% of field; 4. Apply manure on no more than 25% of the field waiting a minimum of 14 days between applications; 5. Reduce manure app. rate to 3,500 gal. or 30 lbs. P2O5, whichever is less; 6. No manure application within 200 feet of all concentrated flow channels; 7. Fall tillage is on the contour and slopes are lower than 6%.
Make no applications to slopes greater than 6% (soil map units with C, D, E, and F slopes) unless the plan documents that no other accessible fields are available for winter spreading AND two of the options 2.g.1. through 2.g.5. are used.
I certify that the plan represented by the answers on this checklist complies with Wisconsin’s NRCS 2015-590 NM Standard or is otherwise noted.
Qualified NM planner signature NAICC-Certified Professional Crop Consultant, ASA-Certified Crop Adviser, or SSSA-Soil Scientist Date
Qualified NM farmer-planner or Authorized farm operator signature Date
receiving and understanding the plan
Signature if reviewed for quality assurance Date