SnapPlus Help Version 20

Add/Copy/Delete Crop Years

Add/Copy/Delete Crop Years

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Add/Copy/Delete Crop Years

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There are two different ways you can add or delete years on the cropping page. The user should determine which way is best for each situation. It is always a good idea to take a snapshot of your database before using either of these features.


1. The Add/Copy/ Delete Years button allows you to add or delete ranges to the beginning or end of the rotation. There is also an option to copy previously created years and application to future cropping years.  This is explained in Add/Copy/Delete Years Function.


2.The Add (+) and Delete (/-) found on either side of the Add/Copy/Delete Years button allows the user to add or delete a single cropping year anywhere in the rotation. Use this when you would like to add/delete an individual field in the middle of the rotation rather than at the beginning or end. Adding or deleting individual years explains this.

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Add/Copy/Delete Years Function

Add/Copy/Delete Years will allow you to add, copy or remove cropping years for the selected field. It is recommended to take a snapshot of your database before you use this function.


hmtoggle_plus0 Add Crop Years

Under the Add crop years tab you are able to choose whether you would like to add years to the beginning of the rotation or add years in the end of the rotation. Then select the number of years you would like to add.
Click OK and the years will be added to the rotation.


2019 Add crop years

hmtoggle_plus1Copy Crop Years
hmtoggle_plus1Delete Crop Years
hmtoggle_plus1Create rotation
hmtoggle_plus1Insert rotation

Adding or Deleting Individual Years

Adding or Deleting will allow you to add or delete an individual cropping year anywhere in the rotation. It is recommended to take a snapshot of the database before you use this function.


CS1_InsertCropYear Insert crop year allows you to insert a year after the currently selected crop year. After clicking on the insert button you will see a confirmation dialog box listing the applications for the years after the selected year.  You will also have options to move those applications forward one year or not move.


CS1_DeleteCropYear Delete crop year allows you to delete the currently selected crop year. After clicking on the delete button you will see a confirmation dialog box listing the applications for the selected year and years after the selected year.  You will also have options to move those applications backward one year or not move.


If the currently selected year is either the first or last year, whether active or not, the selected year and applications will be deleted with no options to move applications.

KV Confirm delete 2017 --