SnapPlus Help Version 19

How to Use the Reports Screen

How to Use the Reports Screen

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How to Use the Reports Screen

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You can view how-to videos for SnapPlus reports at

Above the left window are four buttons along with the current folder location where SnapPlus will save to. Note: You must save your reports using either the PDF, Save As or Excel buttons.  


08_RS_PDFButton PDF: after you have run a report, clicking on the PDF button will open the report in Adobe Reader. The PDF file is saved in a temporary folder. If you would like access to this file outside of SnapPlus, you can choose to save it in a different folder by going to file File, Save As in Adobe Reader program.

08_RS_ListButtonSave As: clicking on Save As will bring up a dialog box with options to save a copy of the report in .pdf or .doc format to the folder location listed. The report name includes the farm name, report name, report year (if applicable) followed by a timestamp, unless you choose to change it. By default, the save location is C:\SnapPlus2\Reports. If the folder location is changed, SnapPlus will remember the new directory and list it as the folder location the next time Save As is clicked.

08_RS_SaveAsButtonList: clicking on List will open the default folder location where SnapPlus reports are saved (C\:SnapPlus2\Reports). To view a report, double-click on the file name, and the document will open in the appropriate program. This will not close the current report that you have open in SnapPlus.

08_RS_ExcelButtonExcel: After you have run a report, clicking on the Excel button will open the report in Microsoft Excel. The Excel file will be saved automatically to the default reports folder. This file will have the farm name, report type, and date in the file name. You can change this through File Explorer.

SR_clip0011 Bulk Reports: The bulk reports allows you to compile multiple reports into one folder. The program will save each of the reports selected into pdfs within the folder. Refer to How do I use bulk reports? for more information.

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