SnapPlus Help Version 19

Winter Practices

Winter Practices

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Winter Practices

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For winter manure applications on fields with slopes greater than 6% and/or concentrated flow channels present in or on the field boundary, a minimum of two conservation practices listed in the 590 Standard must be in place.


To select the winter conservation practices, go to the Winter Practices button over the Manure/Biosolids Application table.

CS1_Winter practices button


This will open up the Winter manure spreading practices selection box:


CS1_Winter practices selection box



At the top of the box, will be an indication of whether the practices are required for concentrated flow channels in the field, slopes greater than 6%, or both.

A note indicates whether any practices have been followed but are not selected. The software is able to tell that these practices are planned for in the program.


If practice selected, the Winter spreadable acres for the field will automatically be reduced by 50%.


Setting Winter Spreading Practices for all Fields on a Farm


Winter practices can be set for all of fields the whole farm from the Tools menu.


CS1_Tools menu winter practices




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