SnapPlus Help Version 19

The Rotation Editor and Rotation Wizard

The Rotation Editor and Rotation Wizard

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The Rotation Editor and Rotation Wizard

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You can view how-to videos for the Rotation Wizard at

The best way to manage information for multiple fields and years is to use the Rotation Editor and the Rotation Wizard. Each provides a way to enter or change data for multiple fields and cropping years in one operation, greatly reducing the time required for data entry. The Rotation Editor and Rotation Wizard work together. The Rotation Wizard uses information stored by the Rotation Editor to add rotation cropping and application data to multiple fields and years. The Rotation Editor is used to build rotation templates that rotations can be reused multiple times in the Rotation Wizard. Using templates avoids having to type in all rotation data every time you want to use the wizard. The templates are stored as part of each SnapPlus farm database, so new ones have to be constructed for each different farm database you have.

You are advised to take a Snapshot of your data before making changes with the Rotation Wizard. Having a snapshot will allow you to undo rotation wizard changes if necessary.

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