SnapPlus Help Version 20

Importing from a text file

Importing from a text file

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Importing from a text file

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SnapPlus can import soil test information from a text file using a specific format (.csv). You can use a spreadsheet program to edit a comma delimited file which SnapPlus will recognize as a soil test import file if you follow these guidelines:

1.To start a spreadsheet, from the Help menu, select Reference Docs (N to Z), then Template Soil Test Import.csv. This file will open in Excel.  This spreadsheet has labels for all the columns that need to be in the import file. Do not delete any of the header labels.

2.Enter or copy your data into this spreadsheet. SnapPlus expects that each import file will be for a single farm, but with as many different crop fields and samples as necessary.  

3.There is one line per soil sample results. SnapPlus does not import averaged data at this time.

4.The first six columns (Lab ID through Field Name), with the exception of FSA Farm, require an entry. The remaining columns (7-23) can be empty, except that some value must be entered for BpH even if it is zero. This is so that when you save the spreadsheet, the correct number of columns are created in your import file.

5. When you are done, save this spreadsheet with a new name using File/Save As... from the spreadsheet program menu. Make sure it gets saved as type CSV (in the edit box below where you type in the file name). Choose a directory and file name that you can find again.  Once you save and exit this file, it can be imported into SnapPlus using the Soil Tests function under the Import/Export menu.  Follow the directions for Importing from Soil Lab file, selecting the file you've saved as .csv.

Note:  You can check the file by viewing it in a text editor such as Notepad. The first row is the column headers separated by commas. Each of the following rows are each one soil test with the values separated by commas.