SnapPlus Help Version 20

Field Restrictions Dialog Box

Field Restrictions Dialog Box

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Field Restrictions Dialog Box

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The Field Restrictions dialog box is used to record the presence of field features which restrict nutrient applications according to the Wisconsin Nutrient Management 590. This dialog box can be accessed from the field screen, nutrient application planning screen and the cropping screen. For a detailed description of the top portion of the screen, see Understanding Fall Nitrogen Restrictions, below.  For the bottom portion, see Understanding Field Restrictions.  

Note that some of the field restrictions changed after crop year 2017 due to updates in the 590 standard. This description is for the restrictions currently implemented in SnapPlus.

Additional Field Restrictions for WPDES permitted farms:

If WPDES Permitted Farm is checked, an additional check box is added labeled CAFO SWQMA and the label Drinking water well within 50 ft of field edge is changed to within 100 ft of field edge.

WPDES permitted farms have a display for CAFO Manure Restrictions R and W soils.

There is an option to acknowledge use of proper techniques for W soil manure applications, which will turn off "manure prohibited on soils with less than 24 inches to the water table" Compliance messages in the Compliance Check Report and the flags on the Cropping tab. Proper techniques means field verification that the water table is below 24 inches at the time of application.

If depth to bedrock has been mapped for this field with all the areas with bedrock within 24 inches from the surface drawn in as Nutrient prohibited areas in SnapMaps, then checking the box next to this statement will turn off "manure prohibited on soils with less than 24 inches of soil over bedrock" Compliance messages in the Compliance Check Report and on the flags on the Cropping screen.

Field restriction features box for 590 standard field

FIeld restriction features box for WPDES-permitted field

2019 Field restriction features box - 590 standard

2019 Field restriction features box - CAFO

click to expandUnderstanding Fall Nitrogen Restrictions

hmtoggle_plus1 Understanding CAFO Manure Restrictions

click to expand Understanding Field Restrictions
hmtoggle_plus1Understanding Winter-Conduits to groundwater within 300ft of field


Notes: This box is for notes regarding the field and its restriction features that might be useful for application planning. These notes will show in the Restriction Explain column of the Annual Cropping Data Dump report.

click to pen  Removing Field Restriction Settings