SnapPlus Help Version 20

1st and 2nd Year Legume Credit

1st and 2nd Year Legume Credit

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1st and 2nd Year Legume Credit

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Legume N credits will be added automatically when a crop follows a legume (alfalfa, red clover, soybeans, etc.). The cell containing the Legume N credit is editable. Clicking on it brings up a dialog box that enables you to change the stand density and regrowth following the last cut for a legume hay crop to adjust your N credit.

KV Edit Legume Credit

The stand density of the previously killed legume crop defaults to a fair stand without more than 8 inches of growth when the stand is killed (120 lb/a N credit following alfalfa). This legume credit can be lowered based on plants per square foot and stand height at killing. The Additional N Credit input box can be used to add any N credit for that year which the program has not accounted for. Don't forget to hit the Calc button to update the numbers. Click on Accept if you are satisfied with the change, otherwise you can click on Cancel.

No editing is needed following legume crops other than hay crops like alfalfa or red clover.

There is no longer a legume credit for soybean before corn or wheat. Soybean N is accounted for in the corn and wheat MRTN fertilizer guidelines.

If the previous crop was not a legume with an adjustable credit, then the stand density and height controls will be grayed out.