If you have questions or problems using SnapPlus, we will be happy to answer them. For questions about nutrient management planning, contact any of the folks under "User support". For technical support with the software itself, such as feature requests or bug reports, see "Technical support" below. If you're not sure, use the "Technical support" contact and we'll take it from there.
Please check the website at snapplus.wisc.edu for answers to these and other questions before calling or emailing. It might save both you and the SnapPlus staff some time. Check out the videos at http://snapplus.wisc.edu/news-help/how-to-videos/ for detailed tutorials on SnapPlus features.
User support:
Sue Porter, (608) 224-4605, Sue.Porter@wi.gov
Ryan Erisman, (608) 224-4604, ryan.erisman@wi.gov
PI (Phosphorus index) support:
Laura Good, 608-262-9894, lwgood@wisc.edu
Technical support: for fastest response, email us at support@snapplus.wisc.edu
If you are having technical difficulties please email us the details of how the problem occurred. If you attach the following information to your email, it will help us troubleshoot the problem much more quickly:
1.Screenshot: Use the Windows "Snipping Tool" to take a screenshot of any pop up message or error. For an example of how to use the snipping tool, watch the video Making your own customized map using the snipping tool and MS Word.
2.Farm Database: As soon as you notice a problem in the program, make a copy of the farm database (snap.Db).
3.Syslog: The Syslog will show errors and any warning you are receiving when experiencing problems with the program. Click on the Help menu and select View SysLog. Click Save to save the Syslog in a file.
For SnapPlus Training participants:
SnapPlus Training evaluation survey (Agronomy and and conservation professionals)
SnapPlus Training evaluation survey (Farmers writing their own plans)