The Daily Log or Records screen is used to keep track of all manure and processed waste water spreading applications. It can be used by any farm, but is required if the farm is a WPDES-permitted farm in order to stay in compliance. The spreading log is also necessary for WPDES-permitted farms to complete the required annual reports for the DNR.
If your farm is a WPDES permitted farm the tab for this section will be labeled Daily Log, if this is a 590 farm this tab will be called Records. Below is an example of a 590 farm.
For this section, you will need the following information:
✓Application dates for each spreading occurrence
✓Field names and number of acres applied
✓Manure source, whether an NO3 Inhibitor was used with the application and
✓Spreader volume, spreader rate or number of loads and application type (i.e. incorporated)
✓Driver, Weather during application and soil conditions (additional required data for WPDES-permitted farms)
Tutorial videos for the Daily Log screen are available on the SnapPlus Youtube channel under The Daily Log Screen.